The popular Yuru Chara "Chicca Osan" tells you the weather forecast with a funny voice. More than 60 voices. Equipped with character change & alarm function!
爆笑ゆるキャラ 『ちっちゃいおっさん』 が天気予報を面白くしゃべるアプリ。(アラーム付き) レコチョクボイスランキング 2ヶ月連続1位獲得!! バラエティや情報番組(王様のブランチetc)にも多数出演!◇◆◇◆◇【主な機能・特徴】◇◆◇◆◇ ◆爆笑おもしろ天気予報アプリ用に録り下ろした爆笑おもしろボイスで天気予報が楽しくなる。 くまもんやふなっしーと並び大人気ゆるキャラ 『ちっちゃいおっさん』、萌え萌え先生『ももこ先生」、おもわず笑っちゃう力士『どすこい太郎』が天気予報をしゃべる。◆キャラクター変更 専用アドオンをダウンロードする事で他のキャラに変更可能。 ◆ボイスリスト過去に聞いたボイスはリストから再生可能。爆笑おもしろボイスを友達に自慢。 レアボイスあり。解放条件はリストにヒントが。100%コンプリートしたら・・・ ◆目覚ましアラーム 目覚ましアラーム機能搭載。爆笑目覚ましアラームで起きれば毎朝が楽しく!◆天気予報の確認3時間の天気予報、気温、降水確率。週間天気予報にも対応。 ◆地点登録 10地点登録可能。自宅に会社に地点を登録してすぐに天気予報確認。南国や雪国など登録するとおもしろボイスが聞けるかも!? ■■■気象情報・コメント■■■ 気象庁配信データを独自解析したピンポイント天気予報を採用。コメントは地震情報や台風情報・気象庁の天気予報、週間天気予報、警報など無料天気予報が確認できる「お天気.com」の気象予報士が監修。お天気.comでは梅雨情報、花粉、夏休みの天気、スキー情報など季節の情報や雨雲レーダー、過去の天気、雷情報や風波情報、月齢カレンダー、インフルエンザ予報、地震情報や台風情報など確認する事ができます。台風情報、地震情報は気象庁配信のデータを無料で確認。An app that allows the laughing mascot character "Small Old Man" to talk about the weather forecast in a fun way. (With alarm)RecoChoku Voice Ranking won first place for 2 consecutive months! !!Appeared in many variety shows and information programs (Kings Brunch etc.)!◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ [Main functions / features] ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇◆ LOL Funny weather forecastThe funny voice recorded for the app makes the weather forecast fun.Along with Kumamon and Funassyi, the popular mascot character "Small Old Man", Moe Moe-sensei "Momoko-sensei", and the wrestler "Dosukoi Taro" who laughs without thinking talk about the weather forecast.◆ Character changeYou can change to another character by downloading the dedicated add-on.◆ Voice listVoices heard in the past can be played from the list. LOL Im proud of my funny voice to my friends.There is a rare voice. There is a hint in the list for the release conditions. If 100% complete ...◆ Alarm clockEquipped with an alarm clock function. If you wake up with a laughing alarm, every morning will be fun!◆ Confirmation of weather forecast3-hour weather forecast, temperature, and probability of precipitation. Also supports weekly weather forecast.◆ Point registration10 points can be registered. Check the weather forecast immediately after registering the location at your home office.If you register in a tropical country or a snowy country, you may hear an interesting voice! ??■■■ Weather information / comments ■■■Adopted a pinpoint weather forecast that independently analyzed the data distributed by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Comments are supervised by a weather forecaster at "" where you can check free weather forecasts such as earthquake information, typhoon information, Japan Meteorological Agency weather forecast, weekly weather forecast, and warnings.On, you can check seasonal information such as rainy season information, pollen, summer vacation weather, ski information, rain cloud radar, past weather, lightning information and wind wave information, moon age calendar, influenza forecast, earthquake information and typhoon information. increase. For typhoon information and earthquake information, check the data distributed by the Japan Meteorological Agency for free.軽微な修正を行いました。